A club that is dedicated to Case, International Harvester, David Brown, Steyr, Steiger and all the brands that came together to make up Case IH.
This is the place to find out all about the Club and its activities and events.
Members Pages
These pages are password protected and for paid up club members only.
The Password field will open when you select 'Members - Tech Data' or the drop down tabs. If you don't have the password please contact us.
On the main page Members - Tech Data, you will find Operator, Training and Service Manuals along with Price Lists. This is being added to on a regular basis.
The drop down menu shows the sub page Case Files, digital versions of our magazine, issues One to Twelve.
Another sub page, Sales Brochures, has a vast collection of literature for all of our brands.
If you are a paid up member drop us an e-mail and we will provide you the Password for these pages. If you are not a member go to the 'Membership' page, you can join from there.
Case IH Club UK is an independent association, not formally affiliated to or endorsed by Case IH Agriculture/CNH Industrial N.V.
General information: info@caseihclub.uk
Membership: membership@caseihclub.uk
Financial: treasurer@caseihclub.uk
The Annual General Meeting for the club was held on Monday 30th December 2024 via Zoom. Members may request the minute of the meeting if desired. If you wish to speak to somebody here are the newly elected 2025 committee members and their contact numbers. We thank all members, past and present, for supporting the club.

Mark Lerigo
07736 738927

Sean Murphy
Vice Chair & Treasurer
01452 790601

Carole Shaw
Secretary & Registrations
01406 365530

Peter Williams
Case Files Editor
07775 907006

Philip Ponton
Website & Facebook
07836 534564

Sharon Lerigo
Membership Secretary
07739 711764

Andrew Semple
01588 630664

Mark Topley
​07718 191500

Geoff Harrison
​07977 160479
DVLA Registration Service
Are you needing help getting a tractor registered to make it road legal? The club are recognised with the DVLA and can do this for you.
Has your tractor lost its original VIN/Serial Number Plate? We can also help you to get a new one from the DVLA.
If your tractor was made outside the UK (USA, France, Germany, Japan) then we will need to obtain a NOVA number from HRMC first to show no duties are payable on the tractor. This is for tractors of any age, even the Lend Lease ones. Again we can help with this and will write to HMRC for this on the owners behalf.
Two documents are available here for you to download. You can choose 'Word' or 'PDF' versions.
1) Obtaining an age related registration for International Harvester Tractors. Click Here for Word version or Here for PDF
2) Completing the V55. Click Here for Word version or Here for PDF
Case Files is our quarterly magazine which is free to all paid up members. The Winter 2023 edition, issue14, homes in on the Case 94 sereis. This is a must read for any David Brown or Case fan!. Back copies of most editions can be bought from our Online Store page.
To whet your appetie, below is the front cover and a couple of pages of issue 13. It is A4 size and full colour on glossy and substantial paper. Current paid up members can access the full publications via the 'Members Only' page., so if you are one of our newer members you have all fouteen issues to read!

Issue 13
Page 30

Issue 13
Front cover

Issue 13
Back cover
The following selection of manufacturers logos are in alphabetical order.

![david brown logo voor bed [320x200].gif](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c235cb_6030b98adc2c4ee8b9a9ed0835d47fa1~mv2.gif/v1/fill/w_190,h_95,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,pstr/david%20brown%20logo%20voor%20bed%20%5B320x200%5D_gif.gif)